Greeting to all the fellow internet folks. A very warm welcome .
We, a group of 5 medical science students, up from different racial background would like to share our knowledge with the fellow community here. We have a passion build up in this field and we are definitely eager to spread it to the people out there. Learning is two way process and we widely appreciate any kind of feed backs and comments to build up our skills and for the betterment of conveying our message to the community.
This blog will mainly be about blood cells specifically about anemia. According to the World Health Organization, prevalence of anemia among women of reproductive age (% of women ages 15-49) in Malaysia was 24.90 as of 2016. Its highest value over the past 26 years was 40.60 in 1990, while it's lowest value was 21.90 in 2010. The value for prevalence of anemia among pregnant women (%) in Malaysia was 37.10 as of 2016. Over the past 26 years this indicator reached a maximum value of 43.20 in 1990 and a minimum value of 33.30 in 2008. Prevalence of anemia among non-pregnant women (% of women ages 15-49) in Malaysia was 24.40 as of 2016. Its highest value over the past 26 years was 40.40 in 1990, while its lowest value was 21.50 in 2010. On the other hand, prevalence of anemia among children (% of children under 5) in Malaysia was 30.80 as of 2016. Its highest value over the past 26 years was 44.10 in 1990, while its lowest value was 28.30 in 2007.
That is all for the beginner post from us. we are delighted to share more about anemia and we hope it would benefit the community.
Signing off,
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